2025 Spring Conference


It’s Almost Time! The Registration Desk will open Thursday evening at 5:00 PM and again at 7:00 AM on Friday in the lobby of the Stonewall Resort. You will be given your schedule and session tickets when you check-in. If you have not yet chosen sessions, tickets for open session will be available at that time. Don’t forget to stop by the Hospitality Suite after you check in for some refreshments and friendly faces.

The Welcome and Keynote Session will be from 8:30-10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 14. Conference sessions then run Friday through Saturday, March 15 at noon.

🌸 Once you are marked as paid, you will be able to log in to select sessions (be sure to use Google Chrome to make sure your selections save). Session selection will close on March 3rd.

Registration Costs:

  • Regular $180
  • Saturday Only $80
  • Student $25
  • Retired Educator $65
  • Banquet $35 (Friday evening at 6:00 PM)
  • Regular On-Site/Same Day $195
  • Saturday Only On-Site/Same Day $95
  • Student On-Site/Same Day $40
  • Retired Educator On-Site/Same Day $80

Session proposals are now closed. A list or presenters and topics can be found here.

Keynote Speaker

Tracy Johnston Zager has worked in many schools over the course of her career, first as a fourth-grade teacher, then as a supervisor of pre-service teachers and their in-service mentors, and currently as a math coach. Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You’d Had grew out of Tracy’s work in classrooms, where she’s most in her element, learning together with teachers and students over time.

WVCTM Board Elections

This year, the following positions are open on the WVCTM Board: Vice President for Middle, Vice President for College/University, Board Member-at-Large, Secretary, and President Elect. Elections will be held at the conference on Friday, March 14.

Nominate or Apply for WVCTM Awards!

Each year, WVCTM has several awards to recognize and support mathematics educators across the state. To learn more about these opportunities, you can find more information here.

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